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Amy’s Thread: Speckle & Stone Giveaway

A couple of weeks ago, Alexis Winslow sent me a preview of her latest collection, Speckle & Stone – an ebook she is self-publishing from her website, Knit Darling. I’m excited to get to share this beautiful collection with you today and to announce a giveaway! One lucky commenter will receive yarn from Berroco to knit the Brenta Hat, as well as a copy of the ebook with the patterns for the complete collection from Alexis.


I know Alexis’ work from her published patterns through Interweave, her book, Graphic Knits and her patterns published via Brooklyn Tweed. Alexis is an incredibly talented designer whose work speaks with a strong, clear voice, and this collection is a beautiful example of that.

Screenshot 2015-11-23 09.37.32

There are 5 pieces in the collection – 3 garments and 2 accessories. Many of the pieces are knit using Berroco’s Vintage DK and Ultra Alpaca Fine yarns together, in the same piece! She uses bold graphics to layer the colors and textures together in motifs she has borrowed from pottery techniques. Alexis wrote a post for the collection launch on her blog, going into detail about her inspiration and her pottery work. Her pottery is just as inspiring and beautifully executed as her knits.


Win a kit to make the Brenta Hat from Speckle &Stone!

Berroco Vintage DK (#3 light)
(52% acrylic, 40% wool, 8% nylon; 290 yd/100g hank):
1 hank each of color A #2104 Mushroom, color B #2176 Pumpkin, color C #2105 Oats, color D #2194 Breezeway, color E #2192 Chana Dal)

HOW TO ENTER: Leave a comment below telling us a little about how you get inspired. Do you have other hobbies besides knitting or crochet that influence you?

DETAILS: Must be 18 years or older to enter.

Comments must be posted by 11:59 PM EST on Sunday, November 29, 2015. One winner will be chosen at random and announced on the blog next Monday, November 30.

90 thoughts on “Amy’s Thread: Speckle & Stone Giveaway

  1. My projects alternate between practical and pretty, and the best ones are both. I’m working my way through some yarn stash on a group of baby hats for charity currently.

  2. I get inspired from things I see outside. I work with children and they are always a source of inspiration for me. I love to take pictures of bicycles and I sew too.

  3. My projects depend on who I’m making things for, and what colors and materials I may be using, the majority of projects typically have some sort of practicality theme in mind-home, weather, some sort of personal need. I try to be mindful and get on it. I love combining the best of everything and seeing what comes out when combined, whether it’s sewing, knitting, crochet, spinning, weaving, cooking, something will eventually give way to a useful, personalized, handmade gift.

  4. I like to knit hats and socks. The hats are donated to a cancer center. Doing something for some one else keeps me motivated.

  5. I get inspired on pinterest & ravelry! Especially the nerdy patterns like the jayne cob hat & tardis socks 🙂

  6. I love colors and interesting textures – that’s what draws me to a particular pattern or yarn. This time of the year, I enjoy crocheting and knitting for charity – from preemies to the eldery and many in between. It brings me great joy! 🙂

  7. I get inspired by seeing what the people in my Knit Club make. I have knitted and crocheted since I was 8 years old my Mom taught me how , I am not 68 so for 60 years I have been enjoying my passion of yarn.

  8. I just pulled out a bunch of traditional stitch dictionaries this weekend! So many possibilities in color, gauge, applications. Inspired me to start a colorwork hat 🙂

  9. I am usually “inspired” by a somewhat vague request from a friend that leads to a mad search on Ravelry to produce the pattern that makes them go “Yes, that’s it! Exactly!” I adore Alexis’ work, I can’t wait until there’s room in my queue to squeeze one of her designs in, what a lovely giveaway, thank you!

  10. These fingerless gloves are just wonderful!
    I still don’t design my own patterns (maybe one day?). For what to knit, my inspiration comes from other knitters pictures and kniting sites like this. For colours, I usually get inspired by nature pictures of every season.

  11. I get inspired by color. I see a beautiful color and I want to make it and pass on the happy feeling it brings.

  12. I always have a zillion ideas swarming around in my mind but I love the colors of nature and that inspires me the most

  13. I am inspired by my fellow knitter’s and friends that crochet. Also ideas from websites and Ravelry are always helpful. Add a touch of my own flair and off to the needles! I do just a touch of about every craft. But my passion is knitting and crochet.

  14. I am inspired by seeing what others are knitting. I am inspired by patterns I see around me in my daily living.

  15. Lately I get inspired by Instagram, Ravelry, and Etsy. And of course I love to see what my talented friends are creating!

  16. I love seeing what other knitters are doing, so I have to say that I’m inspired by what I see on social media. And then yarn inspires me, just the color and the feel of it. I’m an oil painter and lately I’ve been playing with color palettes from my paintings, but so far my painting and knitting haven’t crossed paths. Maybe it’s time for that…

  17. Inspiration varies: nature; poetry; the color of the skin, hair and eyes of the recipient; a yarn might talk to me; my mood night cause me to knit in a particular color; or my need to knit might cause an inspiration to unfold itself. Whatever the inspiration is, the process is enjoyable.

  18. I’m inspired by community. I find myself trying new projects or knitting new things to be part of a KAL, usually on a blog that inspires me.

  19. I get inspired by the beautiful colors of fall and the cooler weather – I just want to knit new sweaters! My hobby of perusing ravelry inspires me.

  20. I am an habitual ravelry browser. And do not hesitate casting on a new project even though I already have 10 already in progress. Knitting is by far my primary hobby.

  21. Sometimes I get inspired by ready to wear fashion (usually pricier than I want to pay, but suits my esthetic). I also get inspired by knitting magazines, Ravelry, my friends’ projects, and gorgeous yarn!

  22. Fair Isle patterns have been a source of inspiration lately–I can use the same hat pattern for all my grandchildren and individualize them through color choice and pattern variations. I also have a board for motifs on Pinterest.

  23. I get lots of inspiration from Ravelry and Pinterest. Love Berroco – Ultra Alpaca is my go to yarn!

  24. I have lots of other hobbies (including all types of needlepoint/embroidery/cross-stitching, crochet, graphic design, pottery, and photography), and I think all of them contribute to the types of projects I undertake. I’m fascinated but the amazing colors that nature puts together to create a landscape, and I love the intersection of human created designs and nature, and figuring out how to make that transition appear natural and beautiful.

  25. I am inspired by colors and textures around me. I am an avid polymer clay artist as well, where color is immediate.

  26. I usually let the yarn speak to me. I will go to the LYS and look and touch the yarn. It will tell me what it wants to be. Recently, a friend gave me some yarn from her aunt and the yarn told me it had to be a colorful rainbow blanket. I couldn’t find a pattern that the yarn liked so I designed one. Yarn can be very opinionated and I have learned not to argue with it!

  27. I’m inspired by textures, colors’ ranges at the movies (I’m completely in love with ‘Meek’s Cutoff’ for example) and paintings. I also weave and sew and it’s always a pleasure to select the right pattern for the right moment.

  28. I scan through the ravelry pattern feed almost daily and browse things that come to my eye. Lately I’ve been inspired by alpaca and cashmere farm yarns discovered at a recent local fibre festival and have 2 shawl patterns picked out for them. The perfect combo of luxury and rustic! I look outdoors for colour inspiration and often am drawn to natural fibers.

  29. I’m a musician, so music often speaks to and inspires me in all things. But when it comes to yarn and knitting projects, I’m always looking for unusual colors or color combinations, and unusual or geometric patterns that catch the eye.

  30. Beautiful yarn is inspiring. The color, the texture, and sometimes the smell. Having highly skilled knitting friends is also inspiring and motivational. I am blessed with some really great friends.

  31. I get inspired by images I see on facebook, pinterest, magazines and natural textures in nature. Besides knitting and crocheting I aso do bead embroidery of my own designs. I’d love to win this kit. Have no matching mittens and need a new pair!

  32. The color of beads from my jewelry making supplies. inspire me because i like wear the jewelry and knitted and crochet projects together.

  33. I am inspired by usefulness and thrift. There is nothing more inspiring then finding use out of an old piece of yarn or fabric that you thought had no more purpose.

  34. I get inspired by the work of my favorite designers and their adventurous use of color and texture.

  35. I get inspired by color. I rarely have a pattern in mind when I buy yarn. The color motivates me to find out what it would look best as: hat, sweter, scarf…

  36. My projects tend to be practical but classic and timeless pieces such as old vintage patterns are what influences me.

  37. My two favorite hobbies are knitting and yoga. I was on a legwarmer kick for a while courtesy of yoga. In also a big Outlander fan so that’s knitting inspiration like nothing else!

  38. The yarn “talks” to me. I smell it and feel it. It gets me some strange looks in yarn stores. If I really like it, I will put it under my pillow, and since I sleep with my hand under the pillow, it can communicate with me. I often have the “eureka” moment in the middle of the night. I knit a mixture of practical and decorative items for friends, family and charity. I sew, bead, read, paint and photograph. I like watercolour, and often like watercolour type yarns. But I also like the drama of black with vibrant colours.

  39. Hello Berroco,

    My projects are usually inspired by events both familiar, and global. I am a world news person, and gravitate toward social issues of the heart. My knitting, and arts in general are driven toward giving, and comfort. I rarely create for myself because it always feels more important to create a smile in people who do not feel noticed. My goals are usually to surprise someone going through hard times, with anonymous gifts on their desk, front door, or anywhere they can find them.

    We all have issues, but if we just focus on small acts of kindness, we can make people realize they matter. I do it with knits, and other crafty creations that are practical. ♡

  40. A lot of my knitterly inspiration comes from projects I see on ravelry – do you ever just turn on the FO Radar and listen to an audiobook while you knit? So.Much.Inspiration. And in terms of trying new techniques, I get a lot of inspiration/nudging/support from other bloggers. I’ve been a knitter since long before the internet was born, but the internet has certainly changed my knitting!

  41. I’m inspired by color. I’ve been a doodler for years – so w the new addition of adult coloring it’s a welcomed additional hobby. Knitting will always be my go to! Cute pattern, love the colors 🙂

  42. I am inspired by the natural colors and patterns around me. I do not quilt, but I am appreciative of the patterns of vintage block quilts.I do beading with seed beads, so I enjoy the patterns that I am able to create with them.

  43. I am inspired by other knitter’s/crocheter’s finished projects, looking through patterns, and going to my LYS for ideas or looking at new yarns. I also like to re-purpose old furniture or objects for my home decorating.

  44. I don’t really get inspired by hobbies. I tend to craft on the “I need X” basis. Or on the “I’d to try Y technique” one. Does wanting clothes that fit/flatter/work properly count as a hobby?

  45. Gardening and plants are the inspiration for most of my knitting activities. The colors, textures, and details are a constant discovery in every new combination, species, or garden. Plants are terribly practical in their infinite varieties and yet appear instead to our human perspective as wildly outlandish. I love knitting because like plants knits can also be whimsical and appear impractical but most of my projects serve both a creative and wearable purpose.

  46. I’m inspired a lot by Ravelry and seeing new patterns but what really motivates me most of the time is knowing that someone needs comforted and then I knit a prayer shawl.

  47. I get inspired a lot by nature. Love the natural colors. I love to travel when I can, visit historical places. Would love to win this yarn and pattern.

  48. Currently I am inspired by practicality followed by simplistic beauty either in yarn or pattern. I knit to create what is needed, and seek to style these items in such a way that they will still be appealing 10 or 15 years from now. I think we’ve become disconnected from our various objects, and I am trying to recreate that connection.

  49. I get inspired by being outside & my 3 years olds little stories & drawings. We take walks everyday & he always has so much to say about colors & the trees.

  50. Sometimes it’s going to my LYS and seeing/feeling her new yarns. Sometimes pictures in magazines, or even what someone is wearing.

  51. I’m inspired by texture… I love feeling a new yarn, exploring the topography of a new stitch pattern, and of course…the more cables the better!

  52. I’m inspired by the colors of the seasons, and I love patterns that use multiple yarns. Currently I’m enjoying knitting hats!

  53. I’m inspired by spending time with my family of knitters! It is amazing to see the beautiful things they make – rarely does anyone make something just for themselves. We are a family of knitting gift givers!

  54. My toddler is my inspiration. I usually knit things she wants or likes. She is very involved in picking out the yarn/ patterns and helping me along the way.

  55. Besides magazines and needlework books, I am inspired by many things I happen to see. Sometimes it is something from nature, sometimes I see people’s garments and start thinking of how I can translate the design into crochet, which is my hobby. Often when I see something knitted that I like, I start thinking of designed a crochet equivalent. When I see something that inspires me I will sketch my ideas for future reference. Now I have a small collection of sketches which I can try to turn into patterns when I have the time.

  56. I get inspired by the group of knitters that I meet with during the week. I occasionally like to scrap book.

  57. I am inspired by a desire to honor my mom’s memory to make and donate comfort items for cancer patients (GIlda’s Club and Knit Michigan) and snuggly, warm items for the chilly residents of Detroit (Chase the Chill). Also inspired by my kids- ” Mom, will you make me a…..” I have taken to listening to books on tape so I can ‘read’ and knit at the same time!

  58. I’m inspired by what I see on TV and on people’s Pinterest boards. I don’t really use it myself, but I work part-time as a stylist and spend a lot of time looking at other people’s pins. It’s so interesting to see the combinations other people have put together, it helps me get ideas for what I want to know and otherwise want in my wardrobe.

  59. My projects get indpired by the season usually what i or a family member need for the upcoming season – then i generally look around at fav yarns and designers – but sometimes i see a design online or a knitted piece or yarn in the LYS that i must start asap -usually a combo of color of yarn and design and the look and feel of the item!

  60. The outdoors inspire my choices of color or artwork. I do crochet and quilting and lots of cooking. And as of tonight, I can now make beaded bracelets, my niece just taught me how tonight, it was awesome.

  61. I am inspired by the color and feel of yarns…I can’t resist touching them! I love making things for my Grandson! I also love to read, bake, garden, knit and crochet.

  62. I get inspired by looking at all the different resources for knitting! Especially when I go to Stitches West with my mom. 🙂 I love to read and look through craft/knitting magazines too. 🙂

  63. I get inspired by being surrounded by my family and friends and my dog Peanut. I also love a pattern I can add to a current project.

  64. I’m inspired by the weather and season! I”D love to have winter knits for winter, but it has to wait for next year since I want to knit bulky in winter, fingering in summer.
    I have started playing with the jigsaw recently, I just finished my first small full size reindeer! Hmmm… Maybe he needs a knit scarf.

  65. Seeing cute projects inspire me. Love both crochet and knitting and dabble with sewing from time to time

  66. I love the patterns, the yarn, and the colors! I wonder how much it would cost to make them all? Oh honey….

  67. I get inspired looking outside ,the internet ,people ,toys .I like to do crafts with nature ,and i love to cook for the family .I knit for family and people that appreciate the art of handmade .

  68. I like finding a yarn and then a pattern to fit it, as picking the yarn is my favorite part. i knit and sew

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