ask amanda

Ask Amanda: What is Kitchener stitch?

You won’t come across it in every knitting pattern, but sometimes it’s necessary to join together two sections of “live” stitches in your knitting. This process is often called grafting or Kitchener stitch, and though it might sound intimidating at first, it’s easy to master. The toe of a sock is the place you’re most… Continue reading Ask Amanda: What is Kitchener stitch?

advice · ask amanda

Ask Amanda: What type of increase should I use?

Increasing, at its most basic, is simply adding another stitch to the total number on your needle. The potential problem is that there are many different techniques for knitting increases, which can make it seem very confusing! In Berroco patterns, we tend to leave the choice of increase up to the knitter in most cases… Continue reading Ask Amanda: What type of increase should I use?

advice · ask amanda

Ask Amanda: How do I rip out my knitting?

Nobody likes to do it. It can be one of the most depressing and unpleasant parts of a knitting project. But sometimes, you have to rip out your knitting. At its most basic, ripping out is very easy. You just pull the needle out from inside your stitches and start unraveling the yarn. If you… Continue reading Ask Amanda: How do I rip out my knitting?

advice · ask amanda

Ask Amanda: What does wyif mean?

Some knitting abbreviations seem pretty straightforward, like how K stands for “knit” and P stands for “purl,” but when multiple letters get involved, sometimes things get murky. Some of the leading offenders? Knitting terms like wyif and its equally sneaky cousin, wyib. To make matters worse, even after a knitter has deciphered what these terms… Continue reading Ask Amanda: What does wyif mean?

advice · ask amanda

Ask Amanda: How do I fasten off at the top of a hat?

When I first started knitting, I made only scarves and I never used a pattern. In an effort to expand my knitting horizons, my mom bought me a pattern for a hat, along with the recommended yarn. It was a pretty simple pattern so it wasn’t too hard to decipher, until I got to the… Continue reading Ask Amanda: How do I fasten off at the top of a hat?

advice · ask amanda

Ask Amanda: What’s the best way to measure my knitting?

One of my first design projects was a tank top knit with a beautiful blue bamboo yarn.  I happily planned out the design, then knitted it. Once it was finally finished, I could hardly wait to try it on, but when I took a look in the mirror, I noticed that the armholes went down… Continue reading Ask Amanda: What’s the best way to measure my knitting?

advice · ask amanda

Ask Amanda: Which side of my knitting is the right side?

Remember what it was like before you learned how to read? Every time I wanted to know what something said, I’d have to ask my mom or dad. Letters looked like weird scribbles, and I was always in awe of older kids and their almost magical ability to decipher writing. In the same way learning… Continue reading Ask Amanda: Which side of my knitting is the right side?