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Designer Spotlight: Get-up-and-go Cowl by Diane Augustin

Diane Augustin has been knitting and crocheting for most of her life. What’s she’s learned over the years, is that it’s still the simple one or two skein projects that make her happiest. That goes for knitting and designing. Her Ravelry designer page is filled with beautiful cowls and other accessories– many also featuring her love for beadwork.

Diane didn’t need any beads for her Get-up-and-go Cowl. Knit in Berroco Brio, it shines plenty on its own! It also has lots of texture, created from a mix of ribbing and garter stitch. The scarf is knit in the round and can be made with or without a twist. Best of all, the pattern is free!

How did you come up with this design?

The moment I saw Brio, I knew I HAD to design a cowl with it. It perfectly fit my idea of a soft, sparkly winter moebius cowl. I had learned Cat Bohrdi’s moebius  cast on a few years ago to teach a class and I’ve been intrigued by the elegant simplicity (or complexity) of it since. This pattern can a moebius with a twist or an infinity scarf without a twist. 

Diane's "funky knitting shoes" inspired her design.
Diane’s “funky knitting shoes” inspired her design.

Did you make it for anyone in particular?  

I’m always looking for yarn to match my funky knitting shoes and this color fit the bill. I knit it for myself and wear it everywhere! I get lots of compliments.

What’s your favorite project you’ve ever made?

I have so many favorites, it’s difficult to pick just one. My favorite bead knitting pattern is the Easy Beaded Scarf. I love to knit it trying different yarns and Berroco has so many quality choices! I enjoy teaching it in my classes, too, because it’s always a delight to share the bead knitting process with students and see the, “Ah ha!” moment when they discover how much fun it is to knit beads into the pattern.

What’s your favorite thing about knitting/crocheting?

It’s how I measure my life. If I’m not knitting or crocheting for a day, something is terribly wrong and I must get back to it right away! I think in terms of patterns and what’s next. Consequently, I have many projects “in the works.” I’m continually delighted at the emergence of beautiful fabric from beautiful yarn. The joy of knitting and crocheting never, ever gets old!

Get-up-and-go Cowl by Diane Augustin
Get-up-and-go Cowl by Diane Augustin

Do you have a cool design you want to share?  Or did you recently finish a project with Berroco yarn?  You can email Ashley: or post it to the Berroco Lovers forum in Ravelry.

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