friends · travels

Trunk Show

Last week Norah and I attended a trunk show reception at Slater Mill, where we had the chance to meet and chat with lots of enthusiastic knitters. Garments and accessories from Norah Gaughan vol. 9 and Booklet #315 Bohemian Mix were on display, as well as a few additional items. For an extra surprise, Norah and I brought a handful of garments from our upcoming Spring 2012 collection. With cups of hot cider in hand, we spent a great evening sharing stories and discussing the designs. Attendees got the chance to see the garments up close, and before long they were even trying them on. In between my visits to the refreshment table, I took a few photos:

Norah is at the table signing pattern booklets while attendees happily chat about all things knitting-related.

Sweaters were modeled by the mill’s antique mannequins, while accessories were draped over looms.

The dramatic lighting really shows off the cables on these two sweaters from Norah’s latest collection.

Thanks to Slater Mill for hosting, and thanks to everyone who stopped by the reception!


6 thoughts on “Trunk Show

  1. It was nice meeting you, Amanda! I am looking forward to starting my Skadarlija after having fallen in love with it last Tuesday, but have to wait until all the Christmas knitting is done. (Great picture of it above, by the way.) That sweater is the perfect example of why trunk shows are wonderful – it was interesting on the mannequin, but became irresistible upon trying it on!

  2. Wish I could have attended. Those old New England mills are near and dear to my heart, and with great hand knits and warm cider … well … that would have been perfection.

    I see from the Tweet roll on the right that you’re already starting to design for next Fall. Can’t wait to see the new yarns. 🙂

  3. Which book is the cabled cardigan on the right from (last photo) really want to purchase that. Thanks

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