
Formative years

So, I was thinking, what better way to start a design studio knitting blog than by explaining a bit about this designer’s early crafting history? During a recent fit of organization my mom dug up some enlightening black and white photos of me as a child.
Do I think I am Kandinsky? As you can see, I took art and making things, very seriously, even at an early age.Here is some early foreshadowing of my love of hexagons. I’m cutting snowflakes out of folded white paper. Note the huge “pink and orange” flowers Mom painted on the deep window well of our spooky old stone house. She built that little table too.
In my room
40 years later….
in Pure Merino and Aune in Ultra Alpaca

5 thoughts on “Formative years

  1. I’ve loved, loved, loved the Saundra throw ever since I first saw it on the Berroco site. I’ve been meaning to order it but kept procrastinating. Seeing your blog reminded me. I called and the pattern book is still available, hooray, so I’ve printed off the order sheet and will get it into my mailbox pronto. Thank you for such a fascinating design.


  2. A girl after my own heart. I love to try new patterns, the more detailed the better. I have even designed a baby set which I call hugs and kisses
    and love a challenge. I am 63 years old. This is a young girl with a lot of talent and she will go far.

  3. I do not remember being creative as a child but I have always gotten a lot of satisfaction out “doing things by myself”. Until recently I have not considered myself as “creative” but rather a good “follower of instructions”. However, I find myself, more and more, bypassing any instructions labelled as “easy” and also looking for ways to change patterns to make them more unique. This was something my mom use to do all of the time. As I near retirement, I find myself more like her very day.

    As you point out the sunflower that your mom painted, perhaps we are examples of “genetic creativity”…

  4. Like Margery I too went to RISD but I am sure much before her. Good design never ages. I do knit but only as hobby. Your site has so many lovely patterns and such good inspiraton. Keep up the work Look forward to more blogging. Diana, San Diego

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